As a mother and homemaker, my top priority is always my daughter. That is the reason why I am very much into investments and insurances. I want to protect her, her home, and her future. There are so many what-ifs in life and these double once we get married and have children. Just like any other aspect of our lives, our family life is not always high. Sometimes we experience challenges and problems and most often than not, we are not prepared for it. But there are certain things that we can actually prepare for. One of which is something to do with our health. These days, the food that we eat and the environment that we are in can give us sickness. And when it comes to health problems, it can drain our finances and we can even go into debts just to pay for the cost of medicines, check-ups, and (knock on wood) hospitalizations. Getting an HMO these days is no longer a luxury. It is a necessity, especially for average-income generating families like ours who could not afford the...
A mom preparing for the future.