It's been a while since I wanted to invest in PAG-IBIG MP2 , a voluntary savings program with a 5-year term for all PAG-IBIG Fund members which earns dividends. You can get your dividends either annually or after the term (5-year). The higher you save, the more dividend you will get. From the year 2016 to 2018 the average MP2 dividend rate in the past three years (2016-2018) is at 7.65%. It's not that bad compared to a regular savings program in banks.
I finally got the chance to "enroll" myself. It is easier nowadays because you can start your application online. If you are interested, follow the instructions below on how you can also start investing PAG-IBIG's MP2.
1. Go to and you will be asked to provide your PAG-IBIG MID No, Last name, First name, and Date of Birth.
2 2. You will be directed to a new page where you can view your PAG-IBIG profile. On the right side of the screen, the first thing that you will enter your desired monthly contribution. Note: Allowed minimum monthly contribution is P500.00.
3 3. Then, you will be asked your Dividend Payout preference. A dividend is like your income. According to the PAG-IBIG website, MP2 savings earn tax-free dividends which are derived from no less than 70% of Pag-IBIG Fund's annual net income. You may receive your dividends annually or after the 5-year payment period (end-term). I personally chose to receive dividends annually so I can invest it to other money-making schemes/ investment vehicls.
4 4. Next, you will decide on your mode of payment: salary deduction, over-the-counter, or through any accredited PAG-IBIG collecting partners. Of course, for employees like me, it is less hassle if the contribution is salary deducted.
5 5. Lastly, you will input your source of funds. See the options below.
After filling in the items, an electronic form will be generated. You will print this form and bring it to the PAG-IBIG office for filing.
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